Vyacheslav Matrosov has two daughters from his wife. Here is everything to know why was he freed from all his charges.
A heartbroken father, Vyacheslav Matrosov was arrested with murder after discovering his best friend had sexually molested his six-year-old daughter.
Matrosov was originally charged with murder for his alleged role in Sviridov's death. According to individuals close to the case, he has now been advised that this charge has been abandoned.
After Matrovov was linked to the murder of suspected pedophile Sviridov, there was a surge of public support for him in Russia's Samara region.
Who Is Vyacheslav Matrosov?
Vyacheslav Matrosov is a 32-years-old Russian man who is trending on the web for committing a crime for a good cause.
After #Russian #VyacheslavMatrosov found his friend Oleg raping his 6 yr old, he made him dig his own #grave and threw him in it.
If the #French were decent they would have hung and shot the #Catholic #priests who #raped 300,000 children from 1950 to 2020. https://t.co/2znAHDqjxV
It is revealed that he used to be a former rocket engine factory worker and does not have any criminal records in the past. He is accused of the murder of his best friend.
His best friend, Sviridov was allegedly given an ultimatum to go to the police and admit to sexually abusing the girl or face the wrath of his father.
Sviridov was spotted heavily beaten on the day he vanished in September, more than a week before his body was discovered in a makeshift burial in Vintai hamlet, according to a relative.
Instead, the bereaved father will face charges of instigating Sviridov to commit suicide, a charge that carries a lighter punishment than murder.
Info On Vyacheslav Matrosov Wife And Daughter
Vyacheslav Matrosov is a husband to his wife and a father to his daughter. He committed a crime to avenge his daughter.
The name of his wife is Natalya Matrosova and they have two daughters in their family. He has not talked about them as he is in an ongoing case for committing a crime.
A report shows that his victim-daughter was just 6 years old and she was forced to do a sex act by his own best friend. So, Matrosov did not back down and murdered his own best friend.
Viacheslav Matrósov confesó haber asesinado a su amigo Oleg Svirídov de 32 años en la provincia rusa de Samara
Vyacheslav M. fue acusado de matar a su mejor amigo Oleg Sviridov, pic.twitter.com/RY1XzAUbEw
— SignoreOscuro (@SignoreOscuro4) October 26, 2021Matrosov saw horrifying and explicit footage of Sviridov forcing his daughter to perform a sex act on him on a friend's phone, and Sviridov was found dead.
Find Out Vyacheslav Matrosov Charges
Vyacheslav Matrosov was originally convicted with various charges of murder but he is dropped from all his charges.
In a landmark judgment, he will now be charged with inducing Sviridov to commit suicide, a charge that carries a less severe penalty than murder.
Pribrezhny residents contributed funds to cover his early legal bills. He should be totally acquitted, according to a petition signed by 2,500 individuals.
"All parents are standing up for the pedophile's killer," Ksenia Sobchak, a prominent TV journalist, and former Russian presidential candidate told her followers.